Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December. Seriously?

Can it really be December? It's hard to believe there are only a few weeks left in 2009; staring us in the face on one single calendar page. How sobering. I see on the grid before me holiday parties, field trips, doctors and orthodontist appointments and the like. From my experience, the more activities you have in a given month, the faster the month zooms by. I also see a new entry on the calendar; my one year blogiversary. On one hand it seems like I've had my blog forever, and on the other it seems like I just started blogging yesterday. November turned out to be an especially busy month with some unexpected distractions and I just didn't have much time to blog. Having my blogiversary this month is exactly the kind of kick in the touche I need. So get ready, December is upon us and I'm ready to rock! I think I'll start with a new banner; some fresh eye candy for all you lovelies to enjoy when you visit. Then, I think some contests are in order, and some fun cameo posts in honor of the wonderful friends I've made through blogging this year. It's amazing how the creative juices start flowing when I force myself to sit down here and get going.

photo credit ©Elen Dreamstime

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