Monday, March 2, 2009

Artist Trading Cards

Blake’s ATC originals

Sera’s ATC originals

I recently signed the kids up to be part of an artist trading card (ATC) swap. This concept is so awesome - creating small works of art that you share freely with other artists, kids in this case, from all over the world. Why didn't I know about this sooner? They each did five 2.5" x 3.5" original pieces of artwork on bristol board. I let them decide what medium to use and what subjects to focus on. I obliged by breaking out the good art supplies. My kids were thrilled to have access to Mommy’s watercolors and my loverly woodless colored pencils. Blake started out on a robot kick then got in touch with his softer side - I think the bunny is my favorite. Sera paid homage to her beloved tire swing, played with the watercolors for a while and then launched into the cool lip collage. It was great fun and a good exercise artistically. Big thanks to house on hill road & wise craft for being the hostesses and organizers of this huge ATC endeavor! If you want to learn more about artist trading cards, check out cedarseed's ATC primer.


  1. Thank you Blake for participating, my girl "Liz" really liked her skateboard card!

  2. my daughter really liked her card as well!

  3. Thanks for visiting and commenting. I plan to write a little shout-out post and show pics of the ATCs we receive once they all arrive. Check back in to see your child's artwork proudly displayed. Isn't this swap fun? :-)

  4. Update: We've received nearly all our swap trading cards - each one is so creative and fun! Thanks again for sharing your children's art with my children :-)


  5. I really love this idea!! Sera and Lyric should do this.


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